Wednesday 12 March 2014


The Worst Winter in Years!


Has it really been the worst winter in years? A fair number of respected people about town have stated as much. I, myself, argue that in fact this has been a wonderful winter, maybe the BEST in years. Let's look at the facts.
1) Winter is supposed to be cold. Therefore, the colder the better right? We've had weeks on end of bitter cold, the kind that bites your face and freezes your nostrils. Just like the good old days I say.
2) Winter is supposed to have snow. Maybe not this much snow, I will concede, but a nice snowy winter is usually a good thing. It looks nice too. Much better than a layer of brown slush, or worse - brown grass.

Snowplow guy with chainsaw
On the domestic front, this winter has brought about many positive things for all the inhabitants of the PUTPs.
The seemingly endless days of snow have given one of our youngest citizens countless chances to practice the fine skill of snow shoveling. Which is a great thing as he wants to be a 'snowplow guy' when he grows up. The snow has brought out the best in this little guy, motivating him to get dressed without fuss in the morning and be the first person out the door. He had done more than his fair share of clearing the path for seniors and mothers with strollers. The regular shoveler commented that he has not had to shovel once this year. Which is something extraordinary since the total snow fall this year has been 20 odd feet, double and a quarter of the average snow fall.

PUTPs worker weaving bracelets
The snow and cold have forced the citizens of the PUTPs to spend a few more hours indoors than they typically would. But, this time has been well spend and surprisingly the overall productivity of the domestic economy has skyrocketed. A small investment in equipment, in the form of a Rainbow Loom, has allowed the workers of the PUTPs to become very productive in the area of bracelet making. One such worker is closing in on 100 bracelets, only after three months of operation. This overabundance of jewellry has not gone to waste either. Many have been sold in the free market at school and a quasi tradition has begun here in the PUTPs. All visitors are given at least one bracelet. Not only has this brought about mountains of goodwill but also custom orders for bracelets.

The unrelenting cold has also brought about another positive thing. A trip. Travel arrangements were made after one particularly cold stretch for a week in sunny Florida, specifically Disney World. Trips like this provide a lifetime of memories. Memories that may not have occurred had all the snow not snowed, had all the cold not colded.