Pine Tree Post | April 2013
Most likely you have heard the drone of an audiobook, just after the official 'bedtime' in The Place Under the Pines. This is just one of the many new trends the younger generation has grabbed hold of. After the offical 'lights out', a faint blue LED glow coming from the CD player shines on an immobile figure, wrapped warmly under a blanket or two. If you listen hard you can hear passages from well loved children's novels like Ramona, Fudge, and Judy Moody. This will sometimes last upwards of an hour. Why are authorities allowing this extension of time? Time that is officially 'bedtime'.
Anectodal evidence showed that 'bedtime' was not being adhered to in the past. The younger folk were not settling down and falling alseep as quickly, or as easily, as one would hope. However, new studies are finding that this extra hour of non movement time, in a dark room, with relatively low stimulation, is allowing these young people to 'relax', allow their mind & body to 'slow down', and is resulting in a shorter falling asleep time.
Daytime reading has not changed much with hardcovers and small novels making up the content. Another mandatory boook from the Urban Farming Ministry was read last week, Big City Bees.
On a much higher decibel level, O had a birthday recently, which involved fourteen screaming kids. The screams were of pure joy and delight, amplified by the echos found in every indoor pool. This year's celebration was a first, a first to take place outside the PUTP. Due to the lack of a swimming pool, authorities opted for a local rec centre, previously a juvenile detention type centre, which recently became available for rent. The event consisted of an hour of gym time, an hour of swimming, and an hour of party room time. The party room decor was the math equivalent of neutral, one 'boy' tablecloth (NHL theme) and one 'girl' tablecloth (pink), but, overall everything worked out wonderfully. A happy day was had by all.
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